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When the core content of a course involves people, engagement is absolutely critical. We will be doing design exercises in class, testing new software on each other, and providing critiques of each others’ work. This portion of your grade may be higher in HCI than some of your other courses for this very reason. Coffee up! It involves:


HCI is a diverse field. It has computer scientists, psychologists, sociologists, historians, artists, and everything in between. Giving you one perspective (my perspective) would shed light on only a corner of an increasingly exciting field that is shaping how people engage with the world around them. As a result, we will often have an opportunity to chat with people across this broad spectrum in-person and virtually by Zoom. What you need to do:

Slack and online presence

We use Slack in this class for communication, both with me and with each other. You will use your Davidson Domains to host your blogs. Communicating through the internet has its own set of norms, so I expect you to follow these guidelines:


Each opportunity to engage, participate, or critique will be entered as a score in the gradebook out of n points, where n is commensurate with the effort level of the activity. Full credit if you partipate, none if you don’t.